Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11/2011 Run

Ever just have a bad work out? It happens at least once a month for me. I don't know why it happens. I guess a bad work out is just like a bad day - sometimes you can't control it and it just happens.  I got on the treadmill and after being on it for 2 minutes I knew the run was going to suck. I didn't enjoy one minute of it which actually improved my time since I was upping the pace to get off asap.

Distance: 2 miles
Time 17:58
Time per mile: 8:59

I did some leg and chest presses, ab work, stretched, and made a bee line out of the gym. I came home, drank a smoothie, and didn't move for the rest of the night.

Important things to remember with bad work outs are that they happen and don't be discouraged by them.


  1. Yesterday on the treadmill at the gym my iphone dropped twice due to my arms moving and messing with the cord to the headphones. It was so loud, and embarrassing. I got off after 30 mins even though I planned to do an hour and just did some ab work outs. You are so right, bad work outs happen and DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED.

  2. Haha I've totally done the same! I hate those days... Thanks for the incouragement!
